This is the best chess game Ive played on the App Store because it has both single and multiplayer and the pieces are easy to see. However there doesnt seem to be any difference in the difficulty levels. Ive been playing chess since I was 5 and I can barely beat easy mode occasionally. People who havent really played chess are just going to get frustrated and uninstall but I like the challenge. The CPU always seems to be a few steps ahead and if you dont threaten its pieces constantly, it will set up moves against you very quickly and beat you and since you have to constantly threaten its pieces, you cant really set up your own attacks because it will beat you to it everytime. Yes this is how chess is played but for someone who is just learning they wont even be able to practice any strategies before getting absolutely destroyed even on easy. Please dumb down the CPU a little for the easier modes and this game will be perfect!
I game nude about Chess Multiplayer